Beyond Possible Day 4 - May 2

Let’s prayerfully read & reflect on Genesis chapter 2, verses 3 – 24. What stands
out to you as a highlight from today’s reading? How would you explain your
highlight to a friend? What application can you make to life? What does this do to
your heart?

Let’s zero into Vs.16,17 to the one possible limitation God gave to man. What was
it? Out of all the trees and creation, there was just one tree that Adam was not to
eat. What would be the consequences when he did eat it?

Also notice V.18 that prior to the fall of mankind into sin, the first human crisis of
aloneness is highlighted by the Lord; His solution to aloneness is relationship (see
V.24). Aloneness is removed by a relationship - i.e. marriage, family, and/ or the

Pause and consider: What relationships God has placed in your life that make you
‘less alone.?’ Write a text message to the ones closest to you, expressing gratitude for
your relationship with them.

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