December 27th, 2024
Are you experiencing a ‘lull’ after Christmas? Don’t allow your heart to grow lax by prayerfully reading the Gospel of Luke chapter 3, verses 1 – 22. The focus of this text is on the ministry of John the Baptizer who was calling people to repentance in preparation of the coming Messiah.
Let’s ZOOM INTO Vs. 21 – 22. Who was the surprise guest attending John’s baptism in the Jordan river? ________________________________. What occurred of significance when this special guest was baptized? ___________________________________.
THINK ABOUT IT before Jesus performed a miracle, preached a sermon or entered His public ministry, the Father in heaven was speaking words of approval and blessing – “You are my beloved Son, with you I am well-pleased.” How do you think these words from His Father made Him feel? (Come on, use your sanctified imagination; Jesus is the God-man, having emotions) Jesus probably felt _________________________________.
Recall words of blessing or approval were spoken to you by someone important in your life - Maybe a parent, boss, pastor, mentor, spouse? Write out a prayer of gratitude for this memory.
Consider – WHO in your traffic patterns could benefit from you speaking a blessing? “you are my __________ (son, daughter, parent, friend) ; with you I am well-pleased.” Send a text giving a blessing to someone just now.
Jesus was baptized to set an example for all to follow . When a believer is lowered gently under the water, it pictures Jesus’ death and burial; when one is raised, it pictures His resurrection. Have you identified with Jesus in baptism since He changed your life? If so, celebrate your identity with Him. If not, schedule it by signing up at
Let’s ZOOM INTO Vs. 21 – 22. Who was the surprise guest attending John’s baptism in the Jordan river? ________________________________. What occurred of significance when this special guest was baptized? ___________________________________.
THINK ABOUT IT before Jesus performed a miracle, preached a sermon or entered His public ministry, the Father in heaven was speaking words of approval and blessing – “You are my beloved Son, with you I am well-pleased.” How do you think these words from His Father made Him feel? (Come on, use your sanctified imagination; Jesus is the God-man, having emotions) Jesus probably felt _________________________________.
Recall words of blessing or approval were spoken to you by someone important in your life - Maybe a parent, boss, pastor, mentor, spouse? Write out a prayer of gratitude for this memory.
Consider – WHO in your traffic patterns could benefit from you speaking a blessing? “you are my __________ (son, daughter, parent, friend) ; with you I am well-pleased.” Send a text giving a blessing to someone just now.
Jesus was baptized to set an example for all to follow . When a believer is lowered gently under the water, it pictures Jesus’ death and burial; when one is raised, it pictures His resurrection. Have you identified with Jesus in baptism since He changed your life? If so, celebrate your identity with Him. If not, schedule it by signing up at
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