Hope has a Name Devo Day 29 - December 28

Happy Saturday! Christmas is over, so what’s next? Today let’s read next the Gospel of Luke chapter 3, verses 23 – 38. Don’t skim over this Scripture; this is ‘the genealogy of Jesus Christ.’ Circle any names you recognize; think about their stories; What inspiration of hope can you find from their story? 

How about ‘Boaz?’ – V.32 – Reflect on his story from the O.T. book of Ruth. A single adult might find inspiration of waiting for God to chose your marriage partner. 

How about ‘Abraham?’ V.34 – Reflect on his story from the book of Genesis chapters 11 – 25. Any inspiration for living a life of faith as you enter the new year? 

How about ‘Enoch?’ V. 37 – Reflect on his story found in Genesis 5: 21 – 24; what encouragement can you find from his life? 

Journal your thoughts to the Lord of what He is teaching you. Remember your life is a story of hope to others. As your name will be in a family genealogy, may your life point people to Jesus!

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