December 30th, 2024
Where you challenged by yesterday’s sermon – “Christmas is over, what’s next?” Today let’s read Luke chapter 4, verse 14 – 30. What are the highlights of your reading? How is God speaking to you through this Scripture?
ZOOM into Vs. 14 – 15 – “everyone was praising Him” in Galilee. But notice the contrast of the reception when He came to Narareth, where he has been brought up. How did respond to His reading of the scroll of Moses and announcement that He is the Messiah? – see Vs. 28,29
“everyone in the synagogue was enraged… they drove him out of town”
Insight – Jesus was praised by many, but He was also rejected by his hometown. When you follow Jesus and witness to His love, you will also experience the same. The challenge is to give thanks when people gladly receive you and also when you are rejected.
PAUSE AND REFLECT on Jesus as the promised Messiah. Which aspect of Jesus’ coming are you most grateful? Vs.18-19
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind,
to set free the oppressed,
19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
Jesus, I am most grateful that You came to _____________________________. Thank you for doing this in my life. As we enter the new year of 2025, I accept You proclaiming ‘the year of the Lord’s favor’ over me, Amen!
CHALLENGE - Discover the simple discipline of developing a One Word theme
for the upcoming year. That’s right—One Word. Not a phrase or a statement, just a single
word. By focusing on just One Word we will experience incredible life-change this new
year. When you discover your One Word for the year, it will give you more clarity, passion
and purpose for life. Tomorrow we will go deeper with this challenge.
ZOOM into Vs. 14 – 15 – “everyone was praising Him” in Galilee. But notice the contrast of the reception when He came to Narareth, where he has been brought up. How did respond to His reading of the scroll of Moses and announcement that He is the Messiah? – see Vs. 28,29
“everyone in the synagogue was enraged… they drove him out of town”
Insight – Jesus was praised by many, but He was also rejected by his hometown. When you follow Jesus and witness to His love, you will also experience the same. The challenge is to give thanks when people gladly receive you and also when you are rejected.
PAUSE AND REFLECT on Jesus as the promised Messiah. Which aspect of Jesus’ coming are you most grateful? Vs.18-19
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind,
to set free the oppressed,
19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
Jesus, I am most grateful that You came to _____________________________. Thank you for doing this in my life. As we enter the new year of 2025, I accept You proclaiming ‘the year of the Lord’s favor’ over me, Amen!
CHALLENGE - Discover the simple discipline of developing a One Word theme
for the upcoming year. That’s right—One Word. Not a phrase or a statement, just a single
word. By focusing on just One Word we will experience incredible life-change this new
year. When you discover your One Word for the year, it will give you more clarity, passion
and purpose for life. Tomorrow we will go deeper with this challenge.
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