January 28th, 2025
NOW IS THE TIME to live generously for King Jesus’ agenda. Let’s pray and reflect on the New Testament Gospel of Matthew chapter 25, giving special attention to verses 14 – 30.
Jesus is describing ‘what the kingdom of heaven is like’; God’s kingdom is the ‘rule & reign’ of the King of heaven. God’s kingdom is both present and future. Prayerfully process the following questions :
How does this parable of the talents apply to your life?
PRAYER PROMPT: Abba Father, thank You for freely giving to me so many good gifts. As I think of investing the gifts of my financial resources, I am grateful to see the eternal impact as I give to the local church. I praise You that my giving has resulted in _______________________________________ (my spiritual growth, individuals identifying with Jesus in baptism, missionaries being sent, etc). May I value the eternal over the temporary in my generosity, for I humbly pray Jesus’ name, Amen.
Jesus is describing ‘what the kingdom of heaven is like’; God’s kingdom is the ‘rule & reign’ of the King of heaven. God’s kingdom is both present and future. Prayerfully process the following questions :
- Who is the ‘man going on a journey?” V. 14 ___________________________.
- Who are the ones to whom the man gave talents? V. 15 _______________. (talent refers to an amount of gold, silver, or money.)
- What was the outcome of the investment in the talents? Vs.15 – 18 ____________________________________________________.
- Put yourself in the text. What do you think each of the servants felt when they had to “settle their accounts” with their master? V.18 _________________________.
- How did the master reward each of his servants who multiplied the gift of his talents? Vs. 19 – 23 ____________________________________________.
- What was the master’s response to the servant who ‘hid the talent?’ Vs.25 – 30 ___________________________________________________. (not good)
How does this parable of the talents apply to your life?
- God is the master (Adonai), the loving giver of all good gifts (Psalm 24: 1; James 1: 17)
- You are God’s gift manager (Have you ever considered yourself as God’s money manager?)
- What good things have you done with the talents (time, talent, treasures) the Lord has entrusted to you? ______________________________.
PRAYER PROMPT: Abba Father, thank You for freely giving to me so many good gifts. As I think of investing the gifts of my financial resources, I am grateful to see the eternal impact as I give to the local church. I praise You that my giving has resulted in _______________________________________ (my spiritual growth, individuals identifying with Jesus in baptism, missionaries being sent, etc). May I value the eternal over the temporary in my generosity, for I humbly pray Jesus’ name, Amen.
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