Now Is The Time Devotional - January 31

Let’s prayerfully read & reflect on the Gospel of John chapter 14. What do you learn about heaven from Jesus’ words? Only the ones whose names are written in the book of remembrance will be in heaven. 

Let’s ZOOM INTO Vs. 1 – 4: 
  • What future hope is Jesus promising to His disciples? ______________________
  • Hear Jesus speak to you: “I will come again and take you to Myself, so that where I am you may be also.” What does this do to your heart? 
  • Jesus has a ‘prepared place for you.” Heaven is a ‘prepared place’ for a ‘prepared people.’ 

Who among your family, friends, coworkers, and acquaintances could
benefit from:
  • His assurance of eternal life in heaven (No matter how seemingly hopeless) __________________________________. 
  • His forgiveness through you (no matter what their sin)? ______________
  • His acceptance through you (even before they change)? ______________
  • His support through you (even if they have not asked)? _______________
Share these responses and specific people with your partner or small group. Pray together, asking the Spirit to remove hindrances to your witness and to empower the sharing of God’s startling love through you.

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