Galatians Devotional - February 4

Read & Reflect
Let’s prayerfully read Galatians 1 (Repeating a Bible passage can help internalize its meaning, allowing for deeper reflection and meditation).

Does any new highlight stand out to you?
How would you explain this passage to a friend?
What application might this have in your life?

Zoom Into Galatians 1:6-10
Verses 6-7 – What amazed Paul about these new believers?
“You are quickly turning away from the grace of __________________ and turning to a different __________________.”
The Judaizers were false teachers convincing new believers that they needed Jesus + the law of Moses to be right with God.
Beware of any teaching that says “Jesus + ________________ = salvation.”
The good news of the Gospel is: “Jesus + Nothing = Everything!”
Jesus alone provides all the fulfillment, forgiveness, and meaning one could ever need.
Reflection Questions:
How do you guard yourself against turning to ‘a different gospel’? __________________
What things tempt you to stray from the simplicity & devotion to Jesus? __________________

Jesus Encounter – John 6:67-68
Jesus revealed Himself as “the Bread of Life”, yet many people turned back and no longer followed Him. Imagine yourself in this setting—Jesus turns to you and asks:
“You don’t want to go away too, do you?”
How would you respond? Lead your heart to confess:
“Lord, to whom will we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that You are the Holy One of God.” – John 6:67-68
Take a moment to express your heart to Jesus—your desire to follow Him, even if others turn away.

Prayer & Action Step
Lord, help me to live for Your approval, not the approval of others. Keep my heart anchored in the true Gospel, and guard me from distractions that pull me away from You. Give me boldness to stand firm in faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Action Step:
 Identify one decision or area of life where you’ve been seeking people’s approval, and take a step toward pleasing God instead.
What step will you take today to live for Christ alone?

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