SENT Devotional Day 44 - September 12

Jesus is the ‘One greater than Jonah’! As we prayerfully read Mark chapter 12, we see His greatness. Write down several great things about Jesus. (Jesus is great in His teaching of the parable; great in teaching us the Great Commandment, etc).
ZOOM IN to Vs.41 – 44. What was Jesus’ evaluation of the poor widow’s small offering to God? What insight does this give you concerning generosity toward His kingdom mission causes?
PRAY – “Jesus, You know our hearts as we give offerings to You. I recognize that as our church family generously gives to the SENT Missions Offering (Oct.8) that there is no gift too small. May I give out of a heart that is set free to give, for I humbly pray in Your name, Amen”

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