Awaken Devo Day 26 - July 26
July 26th, 2024
As we pray for spiritual AWAKENING for our nation, we are discovering that awakening must first begin in us as disciples of Jesus. Let’s read the Gospel of John chapter 4 of Jesus’ encounter with the ...  Read More
Awaken Devo Day 25 - July 25
July 25th, 2024
Let’s prayerfully read 1 Corinthians chapter 4 on this 25th day of 31 days of prayer for mynation. Highlight verses that stand out to you. What application can you make to your life?Let’s zero in to V...  Read More
Awaken Devo Day 24 - July 24
July 24th, 2024
On this 24th day of 31 days of prayer for spiritual AWAKENING for our nation, let’sprayerfully read Matthew chapter 18. Today’s focus will be on forgiveness. Are there anyverses you can highlight on f...  Read More
Awaken Devo Day 23 - July 23
July 23rd, 2024
God is showing us some amazing aspects of Spiritual AWAKENING in our 31 days ofprayer journey. Let’s read 1 Kings chapter 18 as we focus on ‘revival fires.’ What are somehighlights from today’s readin...  Read More
Awaken Devo Day 22 - July 22
July 22nd, 2024
On this 22nd day of our prayers for Spiritual AWAKENING, let’s pray for spiritual breakthroughs as we reflect on Isaiah 64.Zoom in to Vs. 1–2 and let’s make this our prayer for our nation – “If only y...  Read More
Awaken Devo Day 21 - July 21
July 21st, 2024
Today is the day we have been looking forward to all week – it’s the Lord’s Day! Let’sprepare for worship by reading Luke chapter 17. Who is awakened by Jesus in this text?What application might this ...  Read More