SENT Devotional Day 46 - September 14

Jesus is SENT by the Father into the world. Reflect on Mark’s Gospel chapter 14 on Jesus’ opposition. What did Jesus endure in following the Father’s will? Write down your observations.
ENCOUNTER JESUS in Vs.32 – 42 by picturing yourself in the text as His disciple whom He invites to join Him in prayer in the Garden. As you listen to Jesus pray, “Abba, take this cup away from Me. Nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will.”, imagine kneeling beside Jesus and praying this request for your life. Hear Jesus invite you to stay awake and pray with Him.
PRAYER – “Jesus, I join You on my knees in prayer. Just as You prayed then in the Garden, I realize You are praying now in heaven (Hebrews 7: 25). As You pray for my neighbors, I join You in praying for their wellness and salvation. As You pray for the nations, I join You in praying for ________________________, for I humbly pray, in Jesus’ name, Amen”
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