Raised to Walk Devo Day 3 - April 3

Let’s read Matthew’s Gospel chapter 28 today. What are highlights for you from the reading? 

Let’s Zero into  V. 19 “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

This is the Great Commission; the final words of Jesus to his disciples before ascending to Heaven, he gave his followers a very clear mission. That mission included baptizing new disciples in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Baptism is an act of obedience to Jesus that every follower of Jesus should share. But what is the big deal? Is baptism more than just getting dunked in water? Yes! Baptism is a powerful moment in the life of every follower of Jesus. 

This devotional journey is designed to help you understand the significance of baptism in your life, and to help you begin to grow as a disciple of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

For the next several days, we will explore some aspects and purposes of baptism in anticipation to Beach Baptism celebration on April 14th at Siesta Key. 

As you read Matthew 28 today, you will notice that some of the people who encountered the risen Jesus responded with a combination of fear, joy, and worship. 

Does that seem strange? Maybe you feel a similar mixture of emotions as you follow Jesus. 

Take time today to reflect on your relationship with Jesus. 
  • How has God pursued you along the road of your life? 
  • Who shared the Good News of Jesus with you? 
  • Take time in prayer today to thank God that disciples of Jesus obeyed His Great Commission and shared the Gospel with you! (Maybe send a text to this person expressing appreciation). 

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