Raised to Walk Devo Day 4 - April 4

Prayerfully read and reflect on Acts chapter 2; this is an exciting chapter with God doing supernatural things in the lives of His people by His Holy Spirit. 

In Acts 2, Peter shared the good news of Jesus, also known as the Gospel, with a large crowd of people. When they asked, “What shall we do?” Peter responded, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.” This was a massive crowd of thousands. Would people really be baptized with so many watching all around them? Yes! A few verses later, we are told, “Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day” (Acts 2:41). Imagine it! Thousands of men and women walking into the water in front of everyone, going under the water, and coming out of the water with new life in Jesus Christ! What a beautiful scene. 

Zero into V. 38 - Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

As you read from Acts 2 today, imagine the view of three thousand men and women being baptized. Think about the public celebration that took place on that day. Think of how all of heaven rejoiced!

On April 14th at 5 p.m. at the yellow lifeguard stand on Siesta Key Beach, many will stand in front of a large crowd to take on a new identity of a new life in Jesus. Is the Lord calling you to be one who will publicly identify with Him by being baptized? Does that make you a little nervous? If so, that’s okay. Lots of other people have been nervous at their baptism, too. But on your baptism day, know there will be a huge celebration! 

Our church family celebrates your commitment to Jesus, and there will also be a grand celebration in Heaven! When you come out of the water of Siesta Key on your baptism day, you will join the billions of Christ followers who have come through the waters of baptism into new life in Jesus Christ. 

Take a moment as you come out of the water to look at the faces of those celebrating. OR Remember the moment! (If you have identified with Jesus in baptism, remember that moment; What did the faces around you look like? What do you remember the most?)

As you prepare for baptism celebration, consider friends, family, co-workers, or classmates who do not know Jesus yet. Be bold and invite them to come to the baptism. Begin praying today that they will accept your invitation. Pray that God opens a door for you to share your new life in Jesus! Write down the names of those you are praying for, or share the names with a maturing Christ-follower in your life who will also pray for each person on your list.

Write down April 14th on your calendar; and spread the Word. 

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