Raised to Walk Devo Day 8 - April 8

Wow! What a great day of worship and fellowship yesterday. Be sure to tell someone
about what you experienced and invite them to worship this week.

Today, let’s read Luke chapter 3, verses 1 – 17 to look at where baptism first appears
in the Bible. In Luke 3, we see John reminding the Israelite people of their
need for God. He travels through the surrounding areas of the Jordan River,
encouraging his listeners to be 'baptized' as a sign of repentance for walking away from
the Lord; returning to God and His commands.

When we say he 'baptized' them, we mean that he immersed them in water,
bringing them back up as a symbol that they would be a new person from that point

That's essentially what baptism is: a picture of what God does in our lives when we
surrender our will to Him.

We came to Jesus broken and sinful. We leave His Presence made new and full of hope
and grace. In the same way, when we enter the water, we enter as men and women who
are broken, lost, and hurting. When we emerge from the water, it symbolizes our new
identity to new life in Jesus…. RAISE TO WALK! … that we've been washed of our sins,
freed from our chains, and made into a brand-new person!
Baptism is a symbol of an incredible work that is going on inside of us!

Write out a prayer celebrating your new identity of new life.

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