Raised to Walk Devo Day 12 - April 12

Let’s read in the book of Acts chapter 10. We are following a theme in our sermon series
RAISED TO WALK. We have read the last few days about the officials of Ethiopia and
Saul of Tarsus being baptized. (a.k.a. Paul) . Now we will read about another baptism.
As you read this chapter, write in your journal the answer to the following questions:

·Who was baptized?
·Who baptized the new converts?
·When were they baptized?
·Why were they baptized?

Zero in on Peter’s question in 47–48 - “Can anyone withhold water and prevent these
people from being baptized, who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?” He
commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked him to
stay for a few days.

Peter was referring to Cornelius and the ones in his household who believed in Jesus and
received the Holy Spirit’s indwelling. His question was – “Shouldn’t they be baptized with
water?” and the response was – “Yes!”

Reflect on when you believed in the Lord Jesus Christ and how he made you a new
creature (as 2 Corinthians 5: 17 describes) by His Spirit indwelling you. Express your
heart to God by writing a prayer celebrating your new life in Christ. You are RAISED TO
WALK in the newness of life.

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