Raised to Walk Devo Day 16 - April 16

Today let’s prayerfully read all of Luke chapter 15. Pray – “Speak to me, Lord; I am
listening.” What did the Lord speak to you from this chapter?

Let’s Zero in on verses 6 & 7 – “Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and
says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there
will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine
righteous persons who do not need to repent.”

Imagine Jesus saying, “Rejoice with me!” Have you imagined Jesus rejoicing, being so
full of joy that he bursts out celebrating over you? Sit with that thought for a moment.
Imagine his face. Imagine his smile. Imagine his excitement. Imagine Jesus rejoicing
about you! It is a beautiful sight.

Recall the context in which Jesus told this story. Men and women had just been shamed
because some “religious” gossipers talked badly about them. They didn’t think a guy like
Jesus should hang out with “those kinds of people.” In response, Jesus told this parable.
He not only communicated his love, value, and pursuit of these men and women with
checkered pasts, but he also made it very clear that bringing them back to God brought
him incredible joy!

Pause and celebrate: Jesus didn’t have to save you. He didn’t have to pursue you. He
didn’t have to give you new life. He chose to do all these things because it brings him
great joy!

Today, as you read these verses, allow the joy of Jesus to wash over you. What do you
want to say to the one who joyfully celebrates you in the presence of those who would
shame you? What do you want to say to the one who rejoices over you today? Write
down your responses to these questions.

Pray Zephaniah 3:17 in worship to the Lord : “O Lord, You are my God who is always
with me. I bless You for being the Mighty Warrior who rescues me. My heart is startled
by Your loving attention which takes great delight in me… no longer rebuking me, but
rejoicing over me with singing – just like the father receiving His wayward son in today’s
parable, for I worship You in Jesus’ name, Amen!”

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