Raised to Walk Devo Day 21 - April 21

Today’s message is RAISED TO WALK from the N.T. book of Romans, chapter 6. Let’s
read this chapter prayerfully once again. As you read the passage, do the following:

H- highlight the verses that stand out to you.
E – explain the verse(s) in your own words of what God is saying to you.
A – apply the verse to your life. (What would it look like to live this truth in your life?)
R – respond in prayer by writing your heart to God.

This chapter summarizes what it means to be a Christian to show that our primary
motivation to obey God is not a fear but love for what He has done to bless us.

Notice in our reading :

1) God works for you (Romans 6:3-4). The Christian is supernaturally connected to
the life, death, and victorious resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through our
connection with Jesus in the Spirit, we are able to walk away from our old life and
walk with Him in “newness of life”. Baptism in water is our public confession of
our relationship with God. Water baptism reminds us that our old life is now dead
and buried with Jesus Christ.

2) God works in you: (Romans 6:5-11). Just as your old life was grafted into the
death of Adam, so your new life is grafted into the victory of Jesus. As a new
person born again in Christ, you are set free from sin, and set free to God. This is
because God’s love forgives you, changes your nature, changes your desires,
and gives you the Spirit’s power to change how you live because God has
changed who you are. Lastly, since we love Jesus the most, and sin killed Him,
we can no longer love the sin that killed the Person we love the most.

3) God works through you (Romans 6:12-14). As a Christian you are new, not yet
perfect, but in a process of progress called sanctification that ends in eternal
perfection. The language Paul uses is imagery taken from battle. To “Let not
sin...reign” means that we are able to surrender to the Spirit instead of sin when
the battle for our behavior rages. Furthermore, the “members” of our body (e.g.
mind, eyes, ears, mouth, hands, feet, heart, etc.) are “instruments” or weapons
for war that we use to worship God by warring against sinful temptation.
In regard to sin, we are not to celebrate it, tolerate it, work around it, excuse it, hide it, or
fight to keep it alive - but kill it. Because Jesus died for your sin, you can put your sin to

Prayerful Reflection:

Which of your body “members” is currently your biggest battle (e.g. mind, eyes, ears,
mouth, hands, feet, heart, etc.)?

To Whom of your ‘near ones’ might you give more of God’s grace (e.g. spouse, child,
parent, friend, coworker, church member, etc.)?

What area(s) of your life have you seen the most changed by God’s grace in the past
year? (Celebrate). If you had to pick one area of your life where you could use more of
God’s sanctifying grace, which would that be? (Pray with a friend).

1 Comment

Jean Bezerra - April 21st, 2024 at 5:45pm
