Raised to Walk Devo Day 24 - April 24

Let’s prayerfully reflect on Romans chapter 9. As you read the passage, do the

H- highlight the verses that stand out to you.
E – explain the verse(s) in your own words of what God is saying to you.
A – apply the verse to your life. (What would it look like to live this truth in your
R – respond in prayer by writing your heart to God.

Let’s focus on V. 4,5 – “The Israelites to whom belong the adoption, the glory, the
covenants, the giving of the law, the temple service and the promises… from them, by
physical descent, came the Christ, who is God over all, praised forever, Amen.”

What’s so special about the nation of Israel and the Jewish people? This is a hot topic
with the rise of anti-semitism in our world. This chapter highlights God’s plan for the
Jewish people includes them coming to faith in Jesus as their Lord and Messiah. Most
of the Jewish people are not Jesus-followers, but God is pursuing them with His
steadfast love.

Pause & Pray for the Jewish people – “Abba Father, I join Your heart which breaks for
Jewish people to come to faith in Your Son. May Your Spirit work through friendships
and conversations to draw these beloved people to Yourself. I intercede with the war
that is taking place in the land and ask for peace. Your Son is the stone laid in Zion, and
I believe on Him & am not ashamed, For I pray humbly in Jesus’ name, Amen!”

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