Beyond Possible Day 24 - May 22

Prayerfully read and reflect on Joshua chapter 3. What stands out to you from your
reading? There are so many miracles in this chapter that highlight God’s
miraculous power.

Let’s zero into Vs. 15–16 –   “Now the Jordan overflows its banks throughout the
harvest season. But as soon as the priests carrying the ark reached the Jordan,
their feet touched the water at its edge and the water flowing downstream stood
still….. was completely cut off, and the people crossed opposite Jericho.” This
story tells about God doing BEYOND POSSIBLE because of His people’s faith.

Are you facing any uncrossable rivers in your faith journey with God? Maybe rivers
of relationships, wellness of mind or heart, financial challenges, or career. Bring
this flooded river to God in prayer; Listen to His voice – What is He saying to you?
Write down your impressions in a journal.

Our faith journey leads us at times to major life challenges where we can know
and experience God. Experiencing God occurs when we listen to and hear Him for
guidance in life- decisions. Learn to pray at every ‘river crossing’ – “Speak, Lord,
Your servant is listening.”

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