Awaken Devo Day 3 - July 3

Today is Day 3 of our 31 days of prayer for our nation. Spiritual AWAKENING begins when
we as God’s children take prayer seriously. Let’s prayerfully read & reflect on Ezekiel
chapter 22. The prophet is speaking to the nation of Israel who are in exile because of
their sinful disobedience & God is giving visions of hope for future restoration. What
highlights can you make from today’s reading? Is there anything which stands out to you?

Let’s zoom in to V. 30 – The Lord said, “I searched for a man among them who would
repair the wall and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land so that I might not
destroy it, but I found no one.”

For Whom was the Lord searching? What was the Lord’s sad discovery? Ponder in
prayer – “What gaps might the Lord desire to be filled by my prayers of intercession?”
(City transformation, bold witness, new Jesus followers, righteous motivations, etc.) Lead
your heart to say, “Here am I, Lord, send me to repair the wall and stand in the gap!”

PRAYER PROMPT – “Lord, what repairs would You want made in our nation?” As the
Lord reveals areas of repair, pray into this areas..... ex. - “Abba Father, You are showing
me a need of repair for marriages and families, and I pray Psalm 127 that You will build
the marriages and families of our church... _______________, Amen!”

It is the people in humble prayer who will influence the future of our nation, not merely
governmental leaders. We are called to pray for those in authority but not to depend upon
them for the healing of our nation.

Let’s ‘stand in the gap’ by praying for leaders to turn toward His Word and will: “The king’s
heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord; he guides it wherever he pleases”
(Proverbs 21:1).

â–ª Lord Jesus, we ask you to turn the heart of our president, vice president, and both
houses of Congress toward your Word and your ways.
â–ª Father, we ask you to inspire and lead the hearts of our political leaders to come
together for the good of our nation.
▪ Holy Spirit, we ask you to place God’s armor upon each of our leaders, protecting
them and their families in every way.
â–ª May you lead Your people to exercise our right and privilege to vote in the
upcoming election; may You raise up leaders with right motivations, for we pray in
Your mighty name.

The truth is that the next great spiritual awakening can usher in the fulfillment of the Great
Commission. This is why Paul reminds us, “This is all the more urgent, for you know how
late it is; time is running out. Wake up, for our salvation is nearer now than when we first
believed” (Romans 13:11).

â–ª Father, we ask that your sovereign will be for the next great spiritual awakening to
occur in our generation.
â–ª Lord Jesus, because of your grace, pour out your power upon our nation, bringing
forth a spiritual awakening that will result in millions coming to faith in Jesus Christ.
â–ª Holy Spirit, move your church to pray in extraordinary ways until we see the next
great spiritual awakening in our generation.

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