Awaken Devo Day 4 - July 4

Today is day 4 of 31 days of prayer for our nation, and there is no greater day to declare
our dependence on God than July 4th. Happy birthday, America! It’s good for us to
remember that our nation’s founders were often on their knees in prayer looking to the
God of heaven to raise up our nation to be a shining light on a hillside.

Let’s prayerfully reflect on Isaiah chapter 57. What are the highlights for you as you read
this chapter? What application can be made for today?

On this day when we celebrate our nation’s independence from foreign governments, let’s
declare our full dependance on God by zooming in on V.15 - Isaiah 57:15 (CSB)

“ For the High and Exalted One,
who lives forever, whose name is holy, says this:
“I live in a high and holy place,
and with the oppressed and lowly of spirit,
to revive the spirit of the lowly
and revive the heart of the oppressed.”

Let’s pray together on the following prayer points:

THANKS - Give thanks to the Father: Father, we have been abundantly blessed by your
hand upon our nation; I rejoice and give thanks for the divine favor and protection that you
have provided.

CONFESSION - Listen for the Holy Spirit’s prompting for confession: Forgive us that
we have too often received your grace and favor in vain; we repent of looking for
manmade solutions. Turn our eyes and hearts back to you, beginning with me.

PETITION - Join Jesus in prayers of petition: Continue to pour out your grace; hold
back your judgment as you unite your people in prevailing prayer for revival in your church
and spiritual awakening in the nation.

WORD - Proclaim promises from His Word: Open eyes to see and hearts to embrace
that “God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance” (Romans 2:4).

ENGAGE - Engage with other Jesus-followers in a lifestyle of prayer: Become
actively involved in prayerful intercession by pausing on this day with family & friends to
pray for our nation’s awakening to the light, life and love of God found alone in Jesus
Christ. Pray for our local church to become fully engaged & awakened.

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