Awaken Devo Day 5 - July 5

Let’s keep going on day 5 of 31 days of prayer by reading 1 Timothy chapter 2. What
stands out as a highlight? How does this chapter instruct us to deepen our dependence
on God in prayer? Can you recall a time when the church dedicated a whole service to
just pray? (That’s what we are planning for Sunday, July 28th! )

Let’s zoom in to 1 Timothy 2:1–4 as this text indicates that God’s desire is for all people to
be saved. And that happens best—according to Scripture—when His people pray in unity,
working, and fellowshipping together.

Looking historically at revival and spiritual awakening in the United States, we find that a
key element that launched those moves of God was unity in prayer. Churches started
praying together, seeking God for their communities and nation. In the prayer meeting
revival of the late 1850s, believers from many different churches started meeting for
noontime prayer meetings across cities, not caring about the “tribes” with which they
shouldn’t mingle. They had a common goal and vision.

Let’s agree together in prayer:

THANKS I Give thanks to the Father: I praise and thank you, Lord Jesus, that in you
“We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other” (Romans 12:5)

CONFESSION I Listen for the Holy Spirit’s prompting for confession: Forgive me,
Lord, for not crossing barriers to love beyond my comfort zone; extend your life and love
through me to those unlike me.

PETITION I Join Jesus in prayers of petition: Father God, help us to keep our focus on
eternal priorities, that in them we might “all agree and that there be no divisions among
[us]” (1 Corinthians 1:10).

WORD I Proclaim promises from His Word: Holy Spirit, make my life an answer to the
high-priestly prayer of Jesus: “Holy Father, you have given me your name; now protect
them by the power of your name so that they will be united just as we are” (John 17:11).

ENGAGE I Engage with other Jesus-followers in a lifestyle of prayer: Visit and see how you can be involved in this unified prayer rhythm.
Then look for ways to pray with believers from other churches and movements.

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