Awaken Devo Day 6 - July 6

Today is Day 6 for our 31 days of prayer for my nation. We are praying for spiritual
AWAKENING. Let’s read of how Jesus awakened Lazarus from the dead in the Gospel of
John chapter 11. What stands out to you as a highlight from today’s reading? How might
this apply to spiritual awakening in our land?

Let’s zero in to Vs.43,44 – Jesus shouted with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!”
The dead man came out bound hand and foot with linen strips and with his face wrapped
in a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Unwrap him and let him go.”

Notice – Lazarus who was dead 4 days came out of the grave in response to Jesus’s
word; so spiritual AWAKENING occurs when you respond in faith to Jesus’ word.

Joy comes in our prayers as we listen to God’s Word to “be the answer,” trusting Him
to show us how to meet the needs of those for whom we pray. At times, we may be a
source of financial provision. This may be as simple as bringing a meal that’s needed,
offering a text of encouragement, or going to the hospital to pray while someone is having

Pause and Pray – “Speak, Lord, for I am Your servant and I am listening. Just as you
brought life to Lazarus by Your Word, give life to me; awaken me to share Your love. To
Whom are you directing me to meet a need? As I sense you are speaking to me about (a
person) ________________, lead me to _____________________(specific act of love) ,
for I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

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