Awaken Devo Day 15 - July 15

Let’s prayerfully read Proverbs chapter 1 as our prayer focus for our nation will be on
education. Are there any highlights that stand out from your reading? Any points of
application you can make to your present circumstances?

Let’s zoom in to V.7 –“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise
wisdom and discipline.”

In 1836, Noah Webster, often called “The Father of American Education,” stated, “In my
view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all
children under a free government ought to be instructed ... . No truth is more evident ...
then that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure
the rights and privileges of a free people.”

THANKS: Father in heaven, I thank you that so many of the Founding Fathers of our
nation were so strong about the role of religion and morality in the shaping of our
educational foundations. Bring a revival of godliness and a movement of the Holy Spirit
among those who can influence and change harmful policies. We ask you for a miracle.

CONFESSION : Change me, Lord, as you find areas of needed transformation, so I may
better serve the children in my life.

PETITION : Lord, I ask you to inspire all Christians in education to be your shining light in
our schools. I pray that teachers and school administrative leaders would fear you and
understand that they have a great responsibility as they train our nation’s future leaders.
We pray for the upcoming school year for Your grace and protection.

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