Awaken Devo Day 16 - July 16

On the 16th day of our 31 days of prayer for spiritual AWAKENING in our nation; today we
will focus on places of work. Let’s prayerfully read Proverbs chapter 11. Are there any
verses that apply to our workplace? What application can be made to your life?

Let’s zoom in to V. 24 – “One person gives freely,
yet gains more; another withholds what is right, only to become poor.”
Pray for a spirit of generosity to fill your place of work. Pray that the giving of words of
appreciation, approval, support and comfort would be shared generously. Be an answer to
your prayer.

Realize: The greatest platform God has given you is your work. Praying for Him to raise
up godly business leaders is of critical importance. It’s the marketplace that creates work
and industry to provide honest employment and generous provision for individuals and
families. Work is of sacred importance to the Creator, and the workplace is where Jesus-
followers live out the life and love of Jesus.

Let’s join together on these prayer points for our places of work:

THANKS: We’re thankful, Father, for the good things that you have given to us, including
even the strength to “make wealth” (Deuteronomy 8:10) and bear fruit through the work of
our hands.

CONFESSION: Pause to consider your marketplace testimony. Are you being rich in
good deeds, generous, and willing to share? Listen as the Holy Spirit speaks of changes
in your stewardship, serving, and sharing (see 1 Timothy 6:11–18).

PETITION: Jesus’ desire is for His sons and daughters to be free from the love of money.
Pray that God will help you to be content and fulfilled by the knowledge of His presence in
your life (see 1 Timothy 6:6–10; Hebrew 13:5).

WORD: “Give, and it will be given ...” (Luke 6:38 ). Pray for those in the marketplace to be
generous as God is generous to them; ask for the Spirit’s prompting in you to live

ENGAGE: Consider and the Institute of Faith, Work, and
Economics ( is an excellent resource for biblical perspectives on the marketplace.

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