Awaken Devo Day 18 - July 18

Today is day 18 of our 31 days of prayer for spiritual AWAKENING for our nation.
Hopefully, you are awakening to Jesus’ light and love. Let’s prayerfully read Ephesians
chapter 4. What are some highlights which you could turn to specific requests for spiritual
awakening personally and the church? Write them down and respond by writing a specific
prayer based on verses you have highlighted.

Let’s Zoom in to V. 3- “making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond
of peace.”

Jesus prayed, “I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me,
Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me”
(John 17:21).

Let’s lead our hearts to pray –

â–ª Lord, regardless of our own preferences or traditions, draw each of your followers
together as a witness of Jesus to the entire world.
â–ª Father, use your church to serve as the unifying body of people in our nation.
â–ª Holy Spirit, wake up your church to spiritual revival, experiencing the manifest
presence of God as a people.

Let’s pray this Scripture for UNITY IN OUR NATION

â–ª Father in heaven, you are the only one who can bring unity, harmony, and oneness
in our nation. We pray and ask you for unity in our nation.
â–ª Lord, call the churches of our nation to live in unity within their own church and in
unity with churches that are Biblically based and Jesus-centered.
â–ª Jesus, as your church walks in unity, harmony, and oneness, may your church
personify, lead, and call our nation to unity.
â–ª Lord Jesus Christ, in this important moment in our nation, may we make every
effort to unite in prayer and pursuit of your purpose for this nation.
â–ª Father, while our nation is filled with so many challenges and divisions abound, use
each of us to unify our families, our churches, our workplaces, and our

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