Awaken Devo Day 20 - July 20

AWAKEN means to stop sleeping; this is what we are seeking on this day 20 of our 31
days of prayer for spiritual AWAKENING for our nation. Let’s prayerfully read Ephesians
chapter 5. What highlights stand out to you for the need to awaken to God’s call and
follow our glorious Christ?

Let’s zoom in to V.14 – “Get up, sleeper, and rise up from the dead, and Christ will shine
on you.” For our nation to AWAKEN to Jesus’ love, we as His disciples must first be fully
awakened. Are there any apathetic attitudes or spiritual lethargy you are having toward
the things of Jesus? Ask the Holy Spirit to do a fresh work of repentance and renewal
within you.

Let’s join in prayer for the following points:

• Give thanks to the Father: Father God, your example of extravagant grace and
forgiveness is to be praised. My heart is moved with deep gratitude for how you
have separated my sins as far as the east is from the west and remember them no
• Join Jesus in prayers of petition: As I meditate on the wonder of your
forgiveness and your promise of rest, my heart is moved to ask for you to prompt
and empower me to forgive others. Specifically, I choose now to forgive ________.
I want to return to intimacy with you because I know that’s where I will find strength
and renewal for my soul.
• Proclaim promises from His Word: “Take my yoke upon you and learn of me”
(Matthew 11:29). This is your invitation to join Christ to impart His life and love to
others. Listen as He speaks to you:
Who among your family and friends might He be forgiving and accepting ... but He
does so without you?

Who in your workplace or community is He burdened about ... but you are not?

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