Awaken Devo Day 22 - July 22

On this 22nd day of our prayers for Spiritual AWAKENING, let’s pray for spiritual breakthroughs as we reflect on Isaiah 64.

Zoom in to Vs. 1–2 and let’s make this our prayer for our nation – “If only you would tear
the heavens open and come down, so that mountains would quake at your presence—
just as fire kindles brushwood, and fire boils water— to make your name known to your
enemies, so that nations would tremble at your presence!”

AWAKENING can be described as an Increasing testimony of the manifest presence of
God. Let’s pray for this in our lives and family & the church.

THANKS I Give thanks to the Father: Father, how we love to call you by this name. You
are indeed our eternal Father. We have been brought into your family through Jesus
Christ, adopted as sons and daughters and sealed with your precious Spirit. I praise and
thank you for the wonder of my adoption into your family. You are my Father!

CONFESSION I Listen for the Holy Spirit’s prompting for confession: Change me,
Holy Spirit, that I might quickly yield to you as I live out your Word. Forgive me when I
doubt your Word and its hope that precedes believing faith (see Hebrews 11:1). Empower
my testimony to proclaim the eternal truth of your Word as it transforms me from glory to

PETITION I Join Jesus in prayers of petition: Give us boldness to speak your Word by
faith, even when the circumstances around us seem to go against it. We believe you,
Lord, more than our circumstances. Thank you for the unchanging nature of your Word as
you make my life a “living letter” that is known and read by others.

WORD I Proclaim promises from His Word: “I have hidden your word in my heart, that I
might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11). I want my life to give witness of living out the
truth of your Word. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be
pleasing to you. And help me to give witness to the power of your Word.

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