Awaken Devo Day 23 - July 23

God is showing us some amazing aspects of Spiritual AWAKENING in our 31 days of
prayer journey. Let’s read 1 Kings chapter 18 as we focus on ‘revival fires.’ What are some
highlights from today’s reading centered on fires? How might you respond to God?

Let’s zoom in to Vs. 38–39 – “Then the Lord’s fire fell and consumed the burnt offering,
the wood, the stones, and the dust, and it licked up the water that was in the trench.
When all the people saw it, they fell facedown and said, ‘The Lord, he is God! The Lord,
he is God!’”

God’s presence is manifest in Elijah’s day by fire from heaven. Let’s pray fervently that
spiritual fire would fall as we pray following the points:

THANKS I Give thanks to the Father: Gracious Father, thank you that you have not left
us without hope, but rather through the promise of your Word, we can be healed. I bless
and praise you, that you continue to extend your loving-kindness to me as your Word is at
work in my life.

CONFESSION I Listen for the Holy Spirit’s prompting for confession: Sadly, Lord, I
too often resist deep conviction of sin, spiritual brokenness, and a holy fear of God. May
your Spirit produce in me a “godly sorrow” that leads to brokenness and repentance (see
2 Corinthians 7:10). Holy Spirit, change and transform me into the likeness of Jesus.

PETITION I Join Jesus in prayers of petition: Lord Jesus, we pray for deep cleansing,
genuine repentance, and spiritual power to engulf pastors and Christian leaders. We ask
for renewed pastors to lead united, prevailing prayer and a move of God in our day (see Ephesians 6:14–20).

WORD I Proclaim promises from His Word: Believe God to be “at work” in His people
to accomplish His will through spiritual hunger and fervent intercession. By His Spirit, He
grants people—beginning with me—the genuine faith and the fervent desire for prayer:
“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him”
(Philippians 2:13).

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