BLESS Every Home Devo Day 41 - October 5

Let’s set our hearts on H.E.A.R. (ing) from the Lord as we prayerfully read the letter of 1 Peter, chapter 5. 
  • H. – highlight – i.e. Prayerfully take time to highlight or underline the words or phrases that stick out most to you. 
  • E. – explain - Thoughtfully write out in your own words what you understand and why it’s significant. 
  • A. – apply – i.e. – consider ways this passage connects to your life.
  • R. – respond – i.e. – prayerful response with your heart to the Word for transformation.

Write your responses to your H.E.A.R. prompts and discuss with a near one or group. Look for opportunities ‘to do the book’ in your daily traffic patterns. 

Let’s zero into V.7 – “ casting all your cares on him, because he cares about you.” 

Pause to pray for your neighbors (using the BLESS app for names), for many have cares that are causing anxiety and stress. Jesus cares for your neighbors; ask Him to express His care through you to them. 

Pray – “Heavenly Father, You know the cares of my neighbors. As I am getting to know them, I am aware of _____________________ (name) who is having the challenge of ________________. I pray that You would use me to express your heart of comfort to them, for I humbly pray in Jesus’ name, Amen!

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