BLESS Every Home Devo Day 42 - October 6

Let’s set our hearts on H.E.A.R. (ing) from the Lord as we prayerfully read the book of Acts, chapter 8.
  • H. – highlight – i.e. Prayerfully take time to highlight or underline the words or phrases that stick out most to you. 
  • E. – explain - Thoughtfully write out in your own words what you understand and why it’s significant. 
  • A. – apply – i.e. – consider ways this passage connects to your life.
  • R. – respond – i.e. – prayerful response with your heart to the Word for transformation.

Write your responses to your H.E.A.R. prompts and discuss with a near one or group. Look for opportunities ‘to do the book’ in your daily traffic patterns. 

The B.L.E.S.S. strategy is a simple and effective way to ‘Cover Sarasota’ with the light and love of Jesus. ‘B’ stands for ‘BEGIN WITH PRAYER.’ Now, we will focus this week on ‘L’ which means to ‘LISTEN WITH CARE.’ Sometimes we associate ‘evangelism’ with talking at people rather than hearing from people. God calls us to practice engaging authentically with others to listen carefully to their stories. When we listen, people feel loved and are more open to listen to us. 

FOCUS ON V.30 – When Philip approached a man from Ethiopia, he first asked him a question and listened. This led Philip to ‘preaching Jesus to him’ and the man being converted to faith. 

LISTENING WITH CARE involves being present with the person to whom we are listening; and  even more important, being present to God on the other's behalf. We are listening for what God's guidance for that person might be, not what our best advice might be or how we can be most helpful

Prayer – “Lord, help me to be ‘quick to listen’ both to you and my neighbor, Amen!”

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