Hope has a Name Devo Day 3 - December 2

Let’s prayerfully read Luke chapter 1, verses 1 – 25 (again for deeper reflection), giving special attention to verses 8 – 17.

Let’s ask several inductive questions of our reading:
  • What was Zechariah chosen to do as a priest? _______________________.
  • To which sanctuary of the Lord was he assigned? ___________________. (yes, the Temple in Jerusalem…. This is huge!)
  • Who appeared to him while in the Temple? __________________________ (this is what is called ‘startling hope’ – i.e. when God shows up unexpectedly!)
  • What promise was given to Zechariah concerning the future? _______________________
  • Why is this promise so significant? _______________________________________

PAUSE & CONSIDER: a time when you were startled/ surprised by the Lord manifesting His presence in an unexpected time. Maybe it was a time of celebration or crisis.

PRAYER PROMPT: Father in heaven, I remember with a grateful heart when You surprised me by Your love when ______________________________________________. You startled me by _____________________________________ (maybe an kind expression of love by someone, encounter with His Word, etc). I celebrate Your startling love that gives me hope, for I humbly pray in Jesus’ name, Amen!

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