Hope has a Name Devo Day 5 - December 4

Let’s prayerfully read Luke chapter 1, verses 1 – 25 (we are getting familiar with this section of Scripture), giving special attention to vs.21 – 23

Several questions to help us engage with the text: 
  • V.21 – What do you think the people waiting for Zechariah were thinking? (come on – use your ‘sanctified imagination’) ______________________________________.
  • V.22 – When Zechariah did appear, what did the people notice about him? ___________________________________. 
  • V. 23 – What was Zechariah’s condition when he returned home? _______________.

PAUSE & CONSIDER – think of a time when God manifested Himself to you, and you found it challenging to describe. You were speechless. As you bring this to your mind, write it down in your journal & celebrate your identity as One loved by God with startling hope. 

PRAYER PROMPT: Father in heaven, I pray that I can be like Zechariah – that people that I encounter in my daily traffic patterns will recognize that I have seen a vision from You. I desire to be like the early disciples in Acts 4:13 – when people observe me, they will “recognize that I have been with Jesus.” Change me to become like Jesus in the following ways ___________________________________ (speech, relational health, attitude, etc) Amen.  

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