Hope has a Name Devo Day 9 - December 8

Let’s prayerfully read & reflect on the Gospel of Luke, chapter 1, verses 26 – 45 (again for deeper meditation), giving special attention to Vs.34 – 37.

PUT YOURSELF IN THE TEXT and respond to the following prompts:
  • V. 34 – How does Mary’s response give an insight of being a virgin? ______________________________ See 1 Thessalonians 4 : 3 – 8 for God’s plan for our purity in relation to sexuality.
  • Vs. 35 – The angel answered Mary’s question of “How” she would become pregnant. What is the significance of the child having no earthly father? – i.e. Virgin birth? _______________________________________________.
  • V. 36 – Whose story of the miraculous did the angel highlight to Mary? 
  • V. 37 – is the clear statement that summarizes not only the birth of Jesus but His miraculous life and teachings but also His resurrection from the dead. 

“For nothing will be impossible with God.”

Say this verse aloud several times; write it down and commit it to memory.

PRAYER PROMPT: Abba Father, I stand in awe that You did the impossible when You sent Your Son to be born of Mary by the Holy Spirit. I believe You still do the impossible today. As I face the challenge of ______________________________ (write it down), I boldly confess NOTHING WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE WITH YOU. May hope rise in my heart as I trust in Your unfailing Word, for I humbly pray in Jesus’ name, Amen!

The virgin birth of Jesus is a central Christian teaching which  has many significances, including:
  • Jesus is both human and divine - The virgin birth shows that Jesus was both fully human and fully divine, inheriting his human nature from Mary. 
  • Jesus is sinless - Jesus was born without sin, making him the perfect substitute to pay the penalty of guilt for humanity's sins. 
  • Jesus is the Son of God - The virgin birth shows that Jesus was the Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit. 
  • Jesus's entry into the world was supernatural - The virgin birth shows that Jesus entered the world through supernatural power. 
  • God's initiative in salvation - The virgin birth shows that God's plan of salvation was worked out in his own timing and way. 
Fulfills Old Testament anticipations - The virgin birth fulfills anticipations set forth in the Old Testament

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