Hope has a Name Devo Day 14 - December 13

Let’s prayerfully read and reflect on the gospel of Luke, chapter 1, verses 67 – 80, giving special attention to Vs.67 – 75. This section records Zechariah’s prophecy & worship to God concerning the birth of his son, John (the Baptizer).  What stands out as a highlight from the reading? How might this text apply to your life today?

PAUSE AND PRAY the words of Zechariah as your own expression of worship to the Lord.
  • Express your praise to the Lord for visiting and providing redemption for you. V. 68; “to redeem” means to be set free by the payment of a ransom. Think about your bondage to sin & how Jesus has set you free by the payment of His precious blood. 
  • Express your heart of worship to the Lord for His mighty power to save in fulfillment of His eternal promise to King David. V. 69
  • Humbly acknowledge the Lord’s faithfulness to do what He promised through the prophets Vs.70-71. Many prophecies were fulfilled by the first coming of Jesus (Genesis 3: 15; Isaiah 7:14, 9:6,7; Micah 5: 3-5), for the sole purpose of bringing salvation over the powers of darkness that oppress us. 

ZOOM INTO V. 73 – “The Lord has given us the privilege…” ‘Privilege’ is a special right or advantage. By faith to receive our Lord Jesus, we are freely given the ‘privilege’ to become His children (John 1:12). Celebrate the privilege for ‘Christ to be born in you’ …. The wonder that You are His child; write a prayer in your spiritual journal celebrating your identity as one loved by God. 

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