December 23rd, 2024
Let’s prayerfully read & reflect on the Gospel of Luke chapter 2, verses 39 – 52, giving special attention to verses 39 -40
Imagine what it was like for the baby Jesus to become the boyhood Jesus. Verse 40 gives us insight - “The boy grew up and became strong, filled with wisdom, and God’s grace was on him.”
PRAYER PROMPT: “Abba Father, as I think of the child(ren) ________________________, I pray this one would become like Jesus. May this child grow up healthy and strong; may this one be filled with wisdom to discern what is right and wrong; may this child experience Your startling grace in life, for I humbly pray in Jesus’ name, Amen”
- V. 39 – When Joseph and Mary left Jerusalem, where did they go? _______________
- Why is Jesus being from Nazareth significant? – i.e. – it was in the area of Galilee, where 2/3 of His miracles and teachings would take place; The town was small and isolated – outside of the Jewish life (John 1: 46). ; Jesus grew up in this town and was referred to in his earthly ministry as “Jesus, the Nazarene.”
- The Old Testament prophet Isaiah speaks of the Messiah as a Branch( Isaiah 11: 1), a Hebrew term derived from the same root as “Nazareth.” Jesus of Nazareth is a direct fulfillment of a prophesy made 700 years prior to His birth.
Imagine what it was like for the baby Jesus to become the boyhood Jesus. Verse 40 gives us insight - “The boy grew up and became strong, filled with wisdom, and God’s grace was on him.”
- A good prayer for children is to become like Jesus.
- Personalize this text for your son or daughter, niece or nephew, or grandchild(ren).
- Christmas is special for children; the best gift we can give them is consistent daily prayers for each to “know Jesus and live like Him.”
PRAYER PROMPT: “Abba Father, as I think of the child(ren) ________________________, I pray this one would become like Jesus. May this child grow up healthy and strong; may this one be filled with wisdom to discern what is right and wrong; may this child experience Your startling grace in life, for I humbly pray in Jesus’ name, Amen”
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