Now Is The Time Devotional - January 16

Let’s prayerfully read and reflect on the Gospel of Matthew chapter 6. What stands out
to you as highlights? How might God want you to apply His Word to your life?
Let’s ZERO INTO V. 33 – “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness,
and all these things will be provided for you.” But practically “what does it look like” for Jesus to gain preeminence? Think about your daily living, your thoughts and activities, your attitudes and priorities.

Scripture reminds us that:
 His THOUGHTS are higher than yours (Isaiah 55:8).
 His ACTIVITY is characterized by the fruit of the Spirit, and never the deeds of
the flesh (Galatians 5:19-24).
 His ATTITUDE is characterized by humility and thinking more highly of other
(Philippians 2:3-7).
 His PRIORITIES focus on loving His Father, loving people, and imparting the
gospel that others might embrace His and these priorities (Matthew 22:37-40,

Pause to reflect and celebrate recent evidence of “seeking first His kingdom”:

  I recently was having more of HIS thoughts as I ...
  Recently in my daily activity, I sensed the fruit of His Spirit when ...
  His attitude of humility and thinking first of others was evident recently as I...
  His priority of love toward Him and others was expressed recently when...
  His priority of sharing my life and the gospel was recently demonstrated as I ...

Celebrate one or more of these evidences “seeking first the kingdom of God” and then
pray that these changes would continue as you “refocus” on the eternal over the

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