Church Strategic Vision + Identity

This vision and church strategy comes after much time seeking the Lord's wisdom and guidance. We believe that there are major areas and many people in our region that do not know Christ and do not have Gospel-centered church presence. Thus, the heart of this strategic vision is to cover Sarasota with the Gospel, by starting new churches. Along with this strategic vision is a change in our branding/forward facing name, as Salt Church.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the name Salt Church mean?
The name Salt Church represents what we are to be as people of God - the salt of the earth! In the Bible, salt is often referenced as an application to how believers are to live missionally. We are called to be upstream solutions to downstream problems, sharing the light and love of Jesus wherever we go. Salt Church also has a geographical tie to our location in Southwest FL, more specifically our proximity to the saltwater of the Gulf Coast!
Are we a part of the Salt Network or other organizations named Salt?
No, we are not a part of the Salt Network. Having the name Salt Church will not be a conflict with any of these organizations. There are existing churches in the USA that have the name Salt Church, yet are not a part of the Salt Network of churches. Sharing the same name does not mean association. We are part of the Southern Baptist Convention and will be partnering with the SBC's Send Network of church plants.
Does this change mean we're no longer Baptists?
We are and will remain a Baptist Church! In fact, our affiliation with the Southern Baptist Convention will be stronger than ever, as we will be active participants with the Southern Baptist Convention’s SEND Network of church planting in
North America. Our beliefs will continue to be clearly visible on the website, along with the Baptist Faith & Message 2000 (under the "About" tab).
Can the Proctor Road campus remain SBC and the church plants be Salt Church?
This strategy of planting churches to reach more people isn't new - but the structure is. This will be a family of churches, including our current church campus. We want the entire family to share the same name, share resources, and share the same vision. One location having a different name than the rest does not create a picture of unity and one mission!
When does this go into effect?
Our prayer is that we will be unified in this vision to reach an ever growing regional population for Christ! This strategy and name proposal will be voted upon at the next Church Business Meeting on September 29th. Following the vote, if the church decides to move in this direction, the strategy and identifier/forward facing name will go into effect in January 2025.
How will sermon collaboration work between the church plant pastors and the lead pastor?
The pastors will attend a yearly sermon planning retreat, to pray and seek God’s direction regarding sermon planning for the year. Then, pastors will meet weekly on Mondays to discuss sermon outlines and collaborate on sermon preparation.
Will the Proctor Road campus budget be separate from the church plant budgets?
While there will be one budget, the budgeted income and expenditures of the church plant(s) will be clearly shown.
How will the voting procedure work on September 29th?
The voting process on September 29th is for church members only. Pending church members will be allowed to vote, as they will be voted in first on the meeting agenda. The ballots will be anonymous. To receive a ballot, a staff member will verify membership status. Per church bylaws, a minimum of 75% is needed to adopt a proposal.
How will the selection process of church plant pastors be handled?
We believe that God will continue to bless us with gifted and godly leaders. New staff pastors will be a part of the pastoral leadership team of the Proctor Road campus to develop relationships and get to know the life and heart of the church before being launched out to plant a neighborhood church. All church plant pastors will be a part of the Southern Baptist Convention’s SEND Network of North American church plants. They will attend SEND Networks assessments and training before launching.