Awaken Devo Day 21 - July 21

Today is the day we have been looking forward to all week – it’s the Lord’s Day! Let’s
prepare for worship by reading Luke chapter 17. Who is awakened by Jesus in this text?
What application might this have to our lives?

Let’s zoom in to Vs.14, 15 - Then Jesus came up and touched the open coffin, and the
pallbearers stopped. And he said, “Young man, I tell you, get up!” The dead man sat up
and began to speak, and Jesus gave him to his mother.

This is AWAKENING; what we are praying to occur spiritually in our nation.
Your life is to be “a letter of Christ... read by all” Pray your spiritual resurrection would
communicate the living hope of Jesus from your story.

THANKS I Give thanks to the Father: Father, thank you for the gift of memory and for
stories that have been passed down through the generations about the ways you have
moved among your people. May we recall those things that you would have us meditate
on and pray over.

CONFESSION I Listen for the Holy Spirit’s prompting for confession: Speak Lord, I’m
listening. Speak to me of my own self-centeredness. Remind me of days when I walked
closer to you. Convict me of prayerlessness and a neglect of your Word. Change me, that
I might become a “living letter” of your life and love.

PETITION I Join Jesus in prayers of petition: Lord Jesus, just as you “became flesh
and moved into the neighborhood” (John 1:14 MSG), so I long for your Word to be the
explanation of my life. Move me from simply “knowing about” your truth to actually “doing”
your Word.

WORD I Proclaim promises from His Word: “You yourselves are our letter ... read and
known by everyone”(2 Corinthians 3:2 NIV).

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