Awaken Devo Day 25 - July 25

Let’s prayerfully read 1 Corinthians chapter 4 on this 25th day of 31 days of prayer for my
nation. Highlight verses that stand out to you. What application can you make to your life?

Let’s zero in to V. 5 - “So don’t judge anything prematurely, before the Lord comes, who
will both bring to light what is hidden in darkness and reveal the intentions of the hearts.
And then praise will come to each one from God.”

Awakening often exposes hidden places of darkness and wrong intentions of hearts.

• THANKS: Thank you, Father, that as we continue to pray for revival in the church
and spiritual awakening in our nation, you can be counted upon to shake manmade
idols and bring to light secret things. I praise you for your righteous love that
purifies my heart and sharpens my kingdom testimony in this world.

• CONFESSION: Holy Spirit, use the building turmoil in this nation for God’s glory—
to purify and revive the church and to bring many people to a personal relationship
with you. I turn from my lukewarm attitude and compromising spirit. Please purify
my life and engage me more and more in the harvest.

• PETITION: Jesus, my heart joins yours in longing for a spirit of repentance and
humility to move on your people, so we can, in turn, be the salt and light you call us
to be. Begin with me.

• WORD: “Walk in the light while you can, so the darkness will not overtake you.
Those who walk in the darkness cannot see where they are going” (John 12:35).
Holy Spirit, I yield my life to a daily walk in the light of God’s Son, God’s Word, and
God’s people.

• Engage with other Jesus-followers in a lifestyle of prayer: You are not alone in
pursuing transformation in your life, church, and community.

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