Awaken Devo Day 8 - July 8
July 8th, 2024
Today is Day 8 of 31 days of prayer for spiritual AWAKENING of our nation. Let’sprayerfully read Ezekiel chapter 37, which in an incredible chapter of spiritual awakening.Write down a highlight from y...  Read More
Awaken Devo Day 7 - July 7
July 7th, 2024
Today is the Lord’s Day & the day 7 of our 31 days of prayer for our nation; and it’s also asignificant day in the life of our church family as we enter THE NEXT CHAPTER of aHundredfold blessings! God...  Read More
Awaken Devo Day 6 - July 6
July 6th, 2024
Today is Day 6 for our 31 days of prayer for my nation. We are praying for spiritualAWAKENING. Let’s read of how Jesus awakened Lazarus from the dead in the Gospel ofJohn chapter 11. What stands out t...  Read More
Awaken Devo Day 5 - July 5
July 5th, 2024
Let’s keep going on day 5 of 31 days of prayer by reading 1 Timothy chapter 2. Whatstands out as a highlight? How does this chapter instruct us to deepen our dependenceon God in prayer? Can you recall...  Read More
Awaken Devo Day 4 - July 4
July 4th, 2024
Today is day 4 of 31 days of prayer for our nation, and there is no greater day to declareour dependence on God than July 4th. Happy birthday, America! It’s good for us toremember that our nation’s fo...  Read More
Awaken Devo Day 3 - July 3
July 3rd, 2024
Today is Day 3 of our 31 days of prayer for our nation. Spiritual AWAKENING begins whenwe as God’s children take prayer seriously. Let’s prayerfully read & reflect on Ezekielchapter 22. The prophet is...  Read More